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Here's some really quick documentation on how to use DCK. This
doc explains all the keys and mouse movements that can be used in
DCK, and what their effects are.
Please note that the menus aren't really operative; all the things
that they'll be doing in the end are just mirrors of most of the
keyboard functions anyway, so they'll be easy to add in.
- Although there are no "critical" bugs that I know of, please be
careful by saving your work often and under a new file name when
working with beta copies of DCK .. just to be safe.
Welcome to DCK!
Thanks for taking the time to check out this beta copy of DCK.
Before you read ahead, please take a few moments and browse the
information in this section. It might just help you out!
First of all, beta stuff. Please, please don't distribute this
version of DCK. It's beta. It doesn't work fully. I don't want
it out there just yet. Thanks.
There are, of course, a couple things you won't find in the beta
of DCK that other editors already have. This is temporary and I
plan to add all the features of the best editors before I release
v1.0 to the public. I'll list a few things that DCK doesn't have:
The ability to create "pre-defined" objects such as stairs, n-
sided polygons, rectangles, etc.
WADassist is not 100% functional.
Command-line parameters
Command-line parameters must be preceeded by one of '-' or '/'.
Usage: DCK [options]
Options are: (* specifies a default option, append '-' to
turn it off)
/F file preloads specified PWAD(s)
/E episode level edits specified level
*/R restores previous edit state
/T force texture lookup table rebuild
/KSB keep selection box on empty left click
/FD floor texture display, then exit
/TD wall texture display, then exit
If /R- is not specified, the previous edit state is restored,
including: All loaded WAD files, the current level being edited,
the last map position and zoom values, and all toggles including
grid and snap to grid.
DCK Basics
DCK Basics
DCK Basics
Page 2
DCK Basics
Please note: These documents do not contain information about
building DOOM levels. I'm going to assume that you've had some
experience building WAD files and understand the basics such as
how vertices, linedefs and sidedefs go into creating a map. What
they DO explain is how to create maps with DCK as efficiently as
What is DCK?
DCK is a powerful, intuitive tool that will help you create DOOM
maps. It can't do everything for you, but what it can do is make
the process a whole lot easier by automating the many repetitive
and time-consuming tasks that it takes in order to build a complex
DCK, unlike some other editors, will not hide anything from you in
an attempt to make it easier to use. As these ``other'' editors
have shown, that approach only serves to constrain the level of
detail that can go into a map.
Instead, DCK takes a more logical approach with several unique
features that are designed for the express purpose of creating
complex maps in as little time as possible. Of these features,
the most apparent and useful is WADassist.
WADassist watches every editing step you take and, at your
discretion, attempts to automate certain aspects of map creation.
This includes fixing errors in the map design such as misplaced
textures (e.g.: an upper texture is required on a particular
sidedef but none is present) and completing operations such as
sector creation (e.g.: you've drawn a series of lines and want to
make a sector out of them). WADassist handles these and other
situations quickly and automatically.
When WADassist is active, its window (either a pop-up window or an
area on the lower status bar) will contain information about
exactly what it's doing, and it won't do anything without your
permission -- there will be times when WADassist will not be
required and even detrimental to map creation.
- To access WADassist, click on its menu field on the main menu bar.
Most of the editing you'll do in DCK will be from line edit mode.
This mode implements DCK's powerful line drawing tool, which
automates most of the tasks involved in creating lines. See
``Line Drawing'', page 14, for a detailed description of this
The User Interface
DCK's user interface consists of a menu system, a button bar, a
keyboard interface and popup dialog boxes. In version 1.0, DCK
has only a ``
modal'' interface; that is, when one element of the
interface is active, the others cannot be used. For example, if a
dialog box is onscreen, it must be exited before the menus or
button bar can be used.
This chapter describes how to navigate the interface, with a
following section describing all the operations you can perform in
DCK and how to access them through the keyboard and menu systems.
The Menu Interface
DCK's main menu is a bar on the top of the screen with several
sub-menus. To access a menu, click and release the left mouse
button once on its menu item. If the item has a ''
`` menu,
then it will be displayed. Otherwise, the action described in the
menu item will be performed (if possible.)
In a menu, the arrow keys are used to move the selection bar to
the desired item. When moving around the menus, the status bar
(at the bottom of the screen) displays a description of the
currently highlighted item.
Key Action
Left/ Next / Previous item (on menu bar) or menu
Right (in a submenu)
Up/Down Next / Previous item
ENTER Pull up submenu / activate item
ESC Exit menu system
(other) Activates item with this selection
The Button Bar
The button bar is displayed just below the main menu bar. To
activate a button, click the left mouse button once. When the
mouse pointer is over a button, a description of the button's
function is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the
Not all buttons are available in each edit mode.
Dialog Boxes
At various locations in DCK, a dialog box will be displayed
prompting you for information which you must enter before
continuing. Dialog Boxes are simply grey boxes with a title and
edit controls
various , and usually OK and Cancel pushbuttons.
To move from one edit control to another, use the TAB key (to move
forward), and combined with the SHIFT key (to move backward.) Or,
use the mouse and click once on the desired control. Following is
a description of each type of edit control:
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Data Entry Fields
Data entry fields accept either strings of text or a number,
depending on the context of the field. The following keys can be
used in a data entry field:
Left/ Move cursor left / right
Home/End Move cursor to beginning / end of field text
Del Delete the character under the cursor
Ins Toggle insert (small cursor) / overwrite (large
cursor) mode
Backspace Delete previous character
A pushbutton performs a specific action each time it is activated.
Use the ENTER key while the button is highlighted to activate it,
or click the left mouse button over the control.
For example, the `` pushbutton in a dialog box will save the '' OK
contents of the dialog box and exit it, continuing with whatever
was going on before the dialog box was displayed.
Check boxes
A checkbox is a simple on/off `` toggle. When the box is ''
checked `` , a white square appears in the rectangle. Otherwise, ''
the box is empty.
Some checkboxes have three possible settings: Checked, Unchecked,
half `` and checked. The '' `` '' half setting is used when editing
multiple objects; it means ``don't change.''
Radio buttons
Radio buttons are like checkboxes, with one exception: only one of
the buttons in any given ``group'' can be checked at once. When a
radio button is checked, the currently checked button in its group
is first unchecked.
Key controls
The following section contains a list of all the keyboard
functions you can perform in DCK. Each function begins with a
line that contains a quick description of the function, the
keyboard shortcut, and the menu you'll find it under (from DCK's
main menu bar.) Most of the functions (and certainly, all the
edit functions) are only available in map edit mode, and will not
work from dialog boxes or menus.
I've attempted to make logical the structure of the keyboard
shortcuts, with the following kept in mind: Keys that are modified
with the CONTROL button (such as Ctrl+X) are generally to do with
modifying objects. Keys that use ALT (such as Alt+S) are to do
with the system; eg: the clipboard, saving maps and exiting DCK.
Keys that do not use modifiers (such as J and G) are toggle keys.
To bring up the main menu system, press the ESC key when in the
map editor (and ESC again to return to the editor.)
Alt+Grey Plus Copy marked objects to the clipboard Edit
Creates a duplicate of all marked objects in the `` clipboard , ''
erasing whatever was already stored there, if anything.
Several considerations should be made when copying objects. The
clipboard will only copy those objects that are marked, plus the
object under the cursor (if any.) Other references will be left
undefined and must be corrected or the map will not function
For example, suppose you copied a sector with several two-sided
linedefs that border on another sector. Those sidedefs that
reference the other sector will be left unchanged (ie: they will
still reference the original sector) when pasted.
When copying any objects except , the copy is started in the things
following chain and continues down to the last item:
1. Sectors
Linedefs and Sidedefs 2.
3. Vertexes
DCK has two clipboards: One for things, and one for all other
types of objects. The two clipboards are independent of each
Alt+Grey Minus Cut marked objects to the clipboard Edit
This will :
Make a duplicate of the marked objects in the clipboard (see
Copy marked objects to the clipboard, `` '' page 6.)
Remove the marked objects from the map.
Alt+Grey Star Paste clipboard objects to the map Edit
The user interface The user interface The user interface
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Does not affect the contents of the clipboard (ie: the objects are
retained) so you can paste the same objects multiple times.
The edit mode you're in when you paste the clipboard has an effect
on what is pasted to the map. For example, if you copy some
sectors into the clipboard, and then paste the clipboard in line
mode, only the lines (and vertexes) will be pasted, and the sector
information will not be copied.
B Toggle display of the clipboard rectangle
The clipboard rectangle is a rectangle the size of the area of all
the clipped objects. It's useful for positioning the cursor
before you paste the objects.
, / . Decrease/increase selection leniency
If you're having trouble selecting a particular object, try
decreasing the leniency of the selector by pressing the ',' key.
Use '.' to increase it again (0 is the default lenience.)
` Toggle fine edit mode
Fine edit mode allows precise control over changes you make to the
map. For example, scale objects [Ctrl+A) increases the scale by
0.025 units in "fine mode", as opposed to 0.1 units otherwise.
Operations that are affected include: Zoom, Rotate and Scale.
J Toggle auto-join mode
In auto-join mode, DCK will automatically combine vertices when
one is moved or created ``close'' to another. It will also
automatically split a linedef on its closest point when a vertex
is created or moved "close" to the line.
U Use this feature with caution when working with zoomed-in areas!
Ctrl+X/Y Align objects Object
Aligns all marked objects on the same (X or Y) position as the
cursor. This is useful for creating series of structured lines
and vertices.
C Clear object marks
Not much to explain here.
V/L/S/T Switch edit modes Edit
Switches edit mode to one of: Vertex, Line, Sector or Thing.
Clears all current object marks first.
- You can't do this while performing a drag, scale, rotate or other
similar operation. Finish the operation first by pressing ENTER to
complete or ESC to abort it.
+/- Increase / decrease zoom factor
Zoom allows you to view more or less of the map, and allows
greater editing control when zoomed in.
Z Fast zoom
Pressing Z while zoomed OUT will zoom IN on the cursor position to
the high factor set in DCK.CFG. Pressing it again will zoom OUT
to the low factor set in DCK.CFG. Great for quickly examining
parts of the map and then returning to a wider view.
Ctrl+V Snap marked objects to grid Object
Snaps all marked objects to the grid. When working with lines and
sectors, all vertexes that are referenced by the marked objects
will be snapped to the closest grid points. This operation is
still functional even with snap to grid mode off.
- You'll get better results with frequent grid spacing.
Spacebar Mark / unmark the object under the cursor
Again, not much to explain here.
Ctrl+A Start scaling operation Object
All marked objects are considered and the focal point for the
scale is set at the center of the marked area. Use the < and >
keys to decrease / increase the scale of the objects, ENTER to
save the changes, or ESC to abort.
Ctrl+O Start rotation operation Object
All marked objects are considered and the focal point for the
rotation is set at the center of the marked area. Use the < and >
keys to decrease / increase the rotation angle of the objects,
ENTER to save the changes, or ESC to abort.
Del Delete marked objects Edit
Note that this works only in vertex, line and thing mode at the
moment, and that this operation will only clear vertices that are
not connected to any linedefs.
Up/Down/Left/Right Move map Button-Bar
Moves the map in the direction specified.
Alt+F Search for and mark objects Search
Pops up a search dialog (depending on the edit mode, the type of
search box is different) and prompts for search information. When
you exit the dialog box, DCK will search for all the objects
matching the criteria you entered and mark them.
If you want to mark ONLY those objects that match, press 'C'
before you perform the search to clear the existing object marks.
< / > Decrease / increase scale / rotation factor
The user interface The user interface The user interface
8 Page
Functional only while performing a Scale / Rotate operation, the <
and > keys decrease and increase, respectively, the current scale
factor or rotation angle.
Alt+M Select a Motif
(incomplete support documentation.)
Displays a menu of the available motifs and allows you to select a
new one. Please read the file DCK.ADF for more details.
Alt+C Consistency Check Map
Displays the consistency check dialog box and prompts for options
to check. Note that not all of the options are functional at the
moment; those that are not functional cannot be checked.
The consistency checker will test each option you've selected
against your map, building a list of errors as it goes. When the
check is complete, a dialog box will be displayed with a
scrollable list of all the errors that DCK found. In the dialog
box, you can do the following:
Some errors are specific to a certain object. If you'd like to
see the object in question, press `G'. DCK will switch to the
appropriate edit mode and automatically zoom in on the object
in error.
Each error is explained in detail if you press F1.
Some errors can be automatically fixed by pressing `F'. If an
error can be fixed, DCK will do so and display exactly what was
done at the bottom of the dialog box. Press F1 beforehand for
an explanation of exactly what ``fixing'' the error will do.
Ctrl+C Split linedefs at center Line
Processes each marked and cursor-selected line by splitting each
at the middle (hence, adding a vertex) and creating the necessary
sidedefs by duplicating the original line's sidedef(s).
Ctrl+F Flip linedefs Line
For each marked/highlighted linedef, flips its vertex references.
Sidedefs are also flipped, resulting in ``no visible difference''
to the DOOM player. However, consideration should be given to
those linedefs which are spacebar-activated, since they can only
be activated from the first (right) side.
Ctrl+R Reverse sidedefs Line
For each marked/highlighted LINEDEF, reverses its SIDEDEF
references (and nothing else, ie: the SIDEDEF SECTOR references
are left unchanged.)
Alt+1/2 Edit SIDEDEF 1/2 Line
Edits the specified SIDEDEF for each marked/highlighted LINEDEF.
A SIDEDEF is automatically created for those LINEDEFs without.
Alt+R Replace Textures Line
Displays a ``texture replace'' dialog box with six texture fields
(three search and replace pairs). Enter the textures to search
for and replace, and press F10 to perform the operation. If you
don't want a particular texture replaced, leave its `` search''
field blank.
If object(s) are marked before pressing Alt+F, the default is set
replace only in marked objects. to `` ''
Ctrl+I Insert required textures Line
For each marked/highlighted LINEDEF, checks one or both of its
SIDEDEF references for missing textures and adds them where
required, taking from the surrounding SIDEDEFs (if any) to
preserve the scenery.
Ctrl+U Remove unrequired textures Line
For each marked/highlighted LINEDEF, checks one or both of its
SIDEDEF references for texture references where not required `` ''
and removes them. This includes removing full textures where not
required, hence, this operation will render fake `` visible walls ''
Ctrl+J Join linedefs / sectors Object
In LINEDEF mode (join sectors)
For each marked/highlighted LINEDEF, deletes the sector referenced
by the second sidedef and changes all SIDEDEFs with that sector
reference to that of the line's first side, and then deletes the
In VERTEX mode (join lines)
For each marked/highlighted VERTEX, checks for two LINEDEFs: One
ending on and one starting on the vertex. Then extends the first
linedef (the one that ends on the vertex) to the second line's
endpoint and deletes the second LINEDEF (and its SIDEDEFs, of
Alt+S Save current map Map
Pops up a dialog box which prompts for a filename and episode and
mission numbers to save under. Press OK to save the file, or
Cancel to abort.
There are a few considerations to make when saving with this and
other beta versions of DCK: --
1. Since this IS a beta test copy, it is recommended that you save
your new work under a different file name from the original.
Something could go wrong, y'know. :)
2. At the moment, DCK will save only the current map to a file.
That is, if you save to an existing file with additional data
in it, that data will be erased. Proceed with caution.
The user interface The user interface The user interface
10 Page
3. If you make changes to the map before saving (changes to the
map include moving lines, vertices, or otherwise modifying the
architecture of the "3D" space), DCK will not save the nodes,
blockmap, reject, etc information and you must rebuild it with
BSP (or another) before using the WAD file.
Conversely, if no changes are made to the "3D" map, and
existing node, blockmap and other information is available, DCK
will duplicate that information in the saved file so you don't
have to rebuild it all.
Alt+E Load map Map
If you haven't saved your work, DCK asks you if you'd like to do
so before proceeding.
A dialog box is displayed prompting you for information: Which
episode and mission number you'd like to edit.
Loads the map by reading all necessary data from its WAD file.
The WAD file that is accessed is either the IWAD (DOOM.WAD) or, if
any loaded PWAD file contains the map data, that instead.
Alt+X Exit DCK Map
If you haven't saved the changes to your map, DCK will first ask
if you'd like to do so.
G Toggle grid display
Toggles grid display on and off. Note that this setting does NOT
affect "snap to grid."
[/] Decrease / increase grid scale
Decreases / Increases the grid scale by doubling or halving the
current scale.
P Toggle snap to grid
When ON, snap to grid causes all objects, when moved, to "snap" to
each grid point. This is invaluable for lining objects up
correctly. Use [ and ] to decrease or increase the size of the
ENTER Multi-Purpose
The ESC key performs a different action depending on what's
currently going on:
When you're performing a "drag" operation such as scaling or
rotating, DCK will abort the operation by returning the objects
to their original positions and exiting the operation.
If nothing's going on and you're in the map editor, ESC will
bring up the main menu system by pulling down the last menu you
were on.
If you're in a dialog box, ESC brings down the dialog box and
cancels the operation currently in progress. It's the same as
pressing the "Cancel" button.
ESC Multi-Purpose
The ENTER key performs a different action depending on what's
currently going on.
If you're doing something like dragging or scaling a series of
objects, ENTER will complete the operation by saving the
objects in their current edit position.
If nothing's going on and there's an object under the cursor or
some objects are marked, a dialog box will be displayed
allowing you to edit the object(s).
In a dialog box, ENTER moves to the next field or activates the
pushbutton you're on.
The user interface The user interface The user interface
Page 12
Creating and Editing Maps
With DCK, creating a map is much faster than in other editors. This is
largely due to the fact that DCK will automate most of the tasks involved
in creating a map, such as adding sidedef and vertex references where
needed. Of course, all information in any given map is directly
accessible to the user using DCK's dialog boxes.
This chapter is intended as a reference for editing an object's
information. The following chapter describes a series of editing
techniques that make using DCK easier and more efficient. You should
browse through both chapters (both are short) before attempting any major
WAD editing feats. J
General Information
DCK allows multiple objects to be edited in one single step.
First, mark all the objects you want to edit using the following
Click the left mouse button over an individual object to mark
Use the mark box to mark multiple items.
Use Alt+F (where applicable) to search for and mark certain
Then, press the ENTER key or the right mouse button to edit the
Wall and Floor texture fields
On those dialog boxes with texture fields (including the Alt+R
search and replace dialog box), several special keys can be
pressed to speed up selection of textures:
F2 Access texture browser. The browser allows you to scroll
through the list of textures while viewing them on-
screen. Press ENTER in the browser to select the
displayed texture, or ESC to keep the original.
(The following keys can be used in the browser or the fields:)
Alt+F Search for a string in the texture names
/ Repeat the search forward
\ Repeat the search backward
Editing multiple objects
If you're editing more than one object, the edit dialog box will
fill a field only if its information is consistent throughout the
marked objects. For example, if you edited 6 sectors whose floor
heights were all 64, 64 would appear in the floor field. But if
even one of the sectors had a different floor height, the field
would be blank to indicate non-consistent information.
Editing Linedef Information
Press `L' to enter line edit mode.
14 Page
Press F2 to get a list of valid linedef effects.
Check this box to make the line impassable to the player and
monsters. This is the default setting for lines having only one
side, since there's no place for the player to go should he or she
pass through it, anyway.
When set, the DOOM engine assumes that the line is ``see-
through'', and will render lines beyond the far side of the line.
Consequently, if this flag is NOT set and the line has no normal
texture, the line will produce what is called the `` hall of
mirrors'' effect.
Monsters can only see through and projectiles can only pass
through those lines with the two-sided flag set.
Monsters can't cross
Check this box to prevent monsters from crossing this line.
Linedefs whose type is not ``normal'' will be displayed
differently on the auto-map by default. Check this box to make
them appear as `` normal'' lines on the automap, effectively
concealing them from easy identification.
- This secret setting has no effect on the ``secret'' ratio at the
end of a level. That ratio is determined by the number of sectors
whose type is set to ``secret'', and the number of those sectors
that the player stepped into.
Lower texture is `unpegged'
On linedefs with two sides, setting this flag causes DOOM to draw
the lower texture from the bottom up, instead of the default of
On linedefs with only one side, setting this flag causes DOOM to
draw the normal texture from the bottom up.
Upper texture is `unpegged'
On linedefs with two sides, setting this flag causes DOOM to draw
the upper texture from the top down, instead of the default of
Blocks sound
The effectiveness of this flag is questionable unless the entire
area which is desired ``quiet'' is surrounded by linedefs with
this flag set. Note that this setting only affects the monsters'
hearing -- the player can always hear through walls.
Never on Map
This simply tells DOOM to never put this line on the auto-map.
Always on Map
This means that the linedef is already on the map at level start-
Sector Tag
This number associates the linedef with all sectors having the
same tag. When the line is activated, all sectors having the same
tag will be changed according to the line's effect field.
Editing Sector Information
Press `S' to enter sector edit mode. The dialog box fields are as
Press F2 to get a list of valid sector types.
Floor/ceiling height
Enter any value between -32768 and 32767. Note that the maximum
difference in height between any sector's floor and ceiling is
approximately 1000, and the height difference required for players
to traverse any sector is about 56.
Floor/ceiling texture
Enter a valid floor/ceiling texture name, or use one of the
texture selection keys.
Light level
Enter a number from 0 to 255, 255 being the brightest (and usually
too bright.)
Sector tag
This number associates the sector with all linedefs having the
same number. Please see the Sector Tag description in Editing
Line Information (page ) for details. 14
After editing and saving the information, DCK checks all two-sided
LINEDEFs that border the sector for SIDEDEFs with missing
textures, and will add or remove upper and lower textures where
Editing and Creating Things (Monsters, decorations, weapons)
Press `T' to enter thing edit mode.
Creating new thing(s)
Method 1: Double-click the left button where you'd like to create
the new thing. A dialog box will be displayed with the attributes
of the last thing that was edited; enter the information and press
F10 to create the thing.
Method 2: Double-click and hold down the left button on an
existing thing or group of things and drag the mouse to the
desired location; release the button and the things will be copied
to the new location.
Editing existing things
The dialog box fields are as follows:
Enter the type of the thing by pressing F2 or double-clicking on
the field. Use the arrows to scroll through the list of thing
types and press ENTER on the desired type.
Creating and Editing Maps Creating and Editing Maps Creating and Editing Maps
Page 16
Various sections of the type list can be quickly jumped to by
entering one of the following two-letter codes before pressing F2:
PL Player/deathmatch starts
WE Weapons
AM Ammunition
BO Bonuses (soul spheres, armor, etc)
EN Enemies
DC Decorations (light sources, dead guys, etc)
KE Key cards and Skullkeys
The settings of the ``level'' fields dictate for which skill
levels the thing will appear, and whether it will only appear in
multi-player mode (cooperative or deathmatch.)
Also known as the ``ambush'' setting; only useful for monsters.
When set, the monster will not react until it sees the player or
until it is wounded. When unset, the monster will also react to
nearby sound.
Start Angle
Only effective for monsters, player starts and teleporter exits,
this field dictates which angle the thing will face upon level
Editing Techniques
This section provides some basic methods and tips for designing maps
quickly and efficiently. There is a definite way to use DCK, and a
definite way not to use it; read this entire chapter and you'll learn the
best way.
The appearance of a DOOM map to the player is based upon several
things: the placement of lines, the textures of a line's side(s),
and the attributes of the sectors that the sides are associated
DCK's user interface is best-suited to editing and creating lines.
Indeed, DCK's most intuitive feature is its line-creation tool,
which allows vertex, line, side and sector information to be
created in a series of mouse clicks and movement. All you have to
know before starting a new series of lines is the basic shape of
the region you want to create; DCK does all the rest by creating
the vertexes, sidedefs and sector information necessary to convert
the lines into a valid play-space.
In particular, the three following commands / tools are very
useful, and are the ones you'll use most often:
Line Split (Ctrl+ ) splits the highlighted (and marked) line by C
inserting a new vertex at its centerpoint and duplicating the
line's information (including its sidedefs) in the second line.
A Sector Split is created by drawing a single line from one vertex
to another (both vertexes must be in the same sector.) All sides
on one side of the split line (including the split line's
appropriate side) will be associated with the new sector, whose
information will match that of the original sector.
A New, connected Sector is created by drawing a series of lines
starting on a line's (contact line ) vertex and ending on its
opposite vertex. The contact line is modified to suit the type of
region created (see below for more details.)
The best way to create new areas in a map is to work from a top- ``
approach: Create large areas first, then use the line split down''
and sector split tools to fill in the details. It's easier for
DCK to automate creation if it's working with a simple line
Creating a series of lines
To begin with, you should switch to line edit mode by pressing L.
To begin a new series of lines, double-click the left mouse button
where you'd like to start drawing. Then, drag the `X' to the
endpoint of the line. Now click (not double-click) the left mouse
Page 18
button again to place the end of the line here and begin a new
Each type of region you can create is detailed in the following
sections, along with instructions on exactly how to create each.
At any time after starting a series of lines, you may abort the
process by pressing the ESC key.
Creating Independent Regions
An Independent Region is defined as being composed entirely of
LINEDEFs which do not touch existing LINEDEFs and VERTEXes.
- ``Region'' is a term used only in this documentation, and then
only when creating a series of lines. When the series is
completed, the ``region'' becomes a SECTOR.
... Creating an Independent Sector in an existing (parent) sector
This will create new sector information (copying the `` parent''
sector's information.) All created lines are set to `` passable''
and ``two-sided'', and two SIDEDEF references are created and
associated with the LINEDEFs. The SIDEDEFs that are created are
blank (ie: no textures), and reference the encompassing (parent)
and encompassed (new) SECTORs.
When a new sector is created, there is no visible difference to
the DOOM view because it shares the same information as its parent
sector, and all its walls are transparent and passable to the
player. In order to change the landscape of the level, the
sector's information must be modified. See ``Editing Sector
Information'', page 16.
... Creating an Independent Sector in an existing sector
When drawing outside of any existing sectors, DCK will
automatically create a new and impassable sector (in effect, an
unattached room) with the default wall, ceiling and floor
To create an Independent Region
1. Double-click the left mouse button where you'd like to begin
the region. Make sure the start-point of the region is not on
any existing lines or vertexes.
2. Drag the `X' to where you'd like to end the line. Press the
left mouse button once. Repeat this step until you're done
drawing lines, at which point:
3. Press the right mouse button once.
Creating Extension Regions
Extension Regions are defined as being a series of lines whose
first and last point reside on an existing LINEDEF's two VERTEXes
(see fig.) After an extension is completed, DCK will
automatically create new sector information (duplicating the
sector the extension was created from) and modify the borderline
to reflect the extension:
If the extension was created outside of the borderline's
sector, the borderline is made two-sided and passable to allow
travel between the two sectors.
If the extension was created inside of the borderline's sector,
the created lines are made two-sided and passable.
The borderline's appropriate sidedef is set to reference the
new sector.
To create an Extension Region
1. If you haven't created a borderline, do so. Make sure its
vertexes are aligned on the grid.
2. Double-click the left mouse button on one of the borderline's
3. Drag the `X' to where you'd like to end the first line. Press
the left mouse button once. Repeat this step until you're done
drawing all but the last line, at which point:
Drag the `X' to the borderline's 4. other vertex and click the
right mouse button once.
Creating and Editing Maps Creating and Editing Maps Creating and Editing Maps
Page 20